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Privacy Policy

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Privacy Policy

Fubao Corporation Precision Equipment Company (the “Company”) believes it is its social responsibility to handle all personal information appropriately. The Company sets forth this Privacy Policy (this “Policy”) for the treatment of the users' information, including the personal information in regard to the performance of services provided by this Company's web site (the “Services'') as follows and duly protects the personal information by having the Company's officers and employees adhere to this Policy.

The Company adheres to all applicable laws and other regulations related to the proper handling of personal information

The definitions of terms shall be as designated as below:

(1) “Users'' means visitors of this web site and users of the Services (including registered members of the Services).

(2) “User's Information'' means information that identifies Users, history of actions on this web site and communication services, and other information created or accumulated in relation to Users or Users' devices, which shall be collected by the Company pursuant to this Policy.

Depending on the method of collection, the Users' Information that we may collect for a user to use the Services includes:

(1) information collected by the Company for the use by the Users without registration for members of this Services

  • terminal information

  • log information

  • cookies and anonymous ID; and

  • location information.

(2) information provided by Users for the Company to register for members of this Services

  • name

  • e-mail address

  • telephone number

  • region (country)

  • postal code

  • address

  • company, department, position

(3) regardless of registration for member, information provided by Users for the Company for inquiry about this Services

  • name

  • e-mail address

  • telephone number

  • region (country)

  • postal code

  • address

The Company will not use the collected personal information for any purpose other than those listed below.

The User's Information may be used by the Company to properly perform its work in acceptance of registration for the members of the Services, identification of individuals, provision, maintenance, protection, improvement and guidance of the Services, response to inquiry about the Services, addressing a violation of rules, regulations or policies relating to the Services, notice of any modification to any rules, regulations etc. or termination of provision of the Services, and product development/design, fabrication, sales, procurement, and distribution of e-mail magazine. The Company shall abandon or delete the User's Information if the Company has achieved the purpose of its use.

The Company employs adequate safety measures to prevent the unauthorized access to, loss of, editing of, or leaking of acquired personal information.

Except where stipulated by law, the Company does not give out User's Information to any third party without the User's prior consent. In the event that the Company does entrust handling of acquired User's Information to another entity, the Company will take necessary measurements to secure the management of the User's Information.

The Company may disclose the User's Information to its subsidiaries or affiliate companies, or companies to which the Company outsources the operation of this web site, settlement of payment, delivery of goods or other businesses.

The Company may transmit the User's Information to any country in which its subsidiary or affiliate company or a company to which the Company's business is outsourced is located.

Fubao Corporation

Upon request from the User to disclose their personal information under the applicable personal information protection legislation, the Company shall, without delay, disclose to the User such information after confirming their identity (or notify it of the non-existence of such personal information), to the extent required to do so pursuant to the applicable personal information protection legislation and other applicable laws and regulations.

Correction and Suspension of use of User's Personal Information

(1) If the Company is required by the Users to correct the content of personal information under the provisions of the applicable personal information protection legislation because such information is false, or to suspend use of personal information because such information is being handled beyond the scope of the purpose of the previously made public, or has been collected in fraudulent or otherwise illicit manner, then the Company shall, without delay, conduct an appropriate investigation after confirming the requesting party's identity, and based upon the results, correct the content or suspend the use of such personal information, and notify the party to that effect. The Users shall also be notified of any determination, if applicable, not to correct or suspend the use of such information, together with the justification for such determination.

(2) In the event that the Company is required by any User to delete his/her personal information and has determined that it is necessary to accept such request, the Company shall delete such personal information after confirming the requesting User's identity and shall notify such User of such deletion.

(3) Should the Company not be obligated to correct, or suspend use of information pursuant to the applicable personal information protection legislation and other applicable laws and regulations, the preceding paragraphs (1) (2) shall not apply.

If the Company is required by the User to provide such User with the personal information provided by such User to the Company or to transmit such personal information to a third party designated by such User in a commonly used format pursuant to the applicable personal information protection legislation, the Company shall provide such personal information to the User or such third party in a commonly used format after confirming the requesting party's identity, to the extent required to do so pursuant to the applicable personal information protection legislation and other applicable laws and regulations.

If the Company is required by the User to restrict processing or an objection is raised by the User to processing of the User's Information by the Company, the Company shall properly respond to such request or objection after confirming the requesting party's identity, to the extent required to do so pursuant to the applicable personal information protection legislation and other applicable laws and regulations.

For any questions or requests for more information regarding the handling, management, and release of User's Information, please contact: Contact

The User has the right to lodge a complaint with a competent supervisory authority including, without limitation, data protection authority, in the case that the User is not satisfied with the Company's procedures for processing the User's Information.

This Policy may change by the Company. For the latest policy, please visit the Company's website.

Prescribed on February 10, 2017



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